Gozo Shioda Kancho Sensei 塩田 剛三 館長先生 Aiki No Tenchi
Interview with Aikido Legend – Shihan Tsutomu Chida (千田 務)
V Siberian Yoshinkan Aikido Festival. Vitaly Podobaev enbu 20.11.2016
Balance principles of Jacques Payet Sensei
mar-apr 2015, Kamchatka
Aikido: Tenchi-nage by Empty Mind Films
Chino Susumu Sensei.
Gozo Shioda Kancho Sensei Techniques 塩田 剛三 館長先生
第27回浦安市合気道演武大会 安藤先生 27th Urayasu Demo Ando Sensei
Gozo Shioda Kancho Sensei 塩田 剛三 館長先生
Aikido Yoshinkan Enbutaikai
Tokyo, Japan
Katate mochi sokumen iriminage 1
Shite – Ando Tsuneo Shihan
Uke – Semyon Kononov
Kamchatka Peninsula