Shihan Jacques Payet – Let energy flow through connection

Jacques Payet Shihan. How to connect mind and body though the technique

2016 Kagami Biraki – Jacques Payet Shihan

Yoshinkan Aikido Ryu, Ando Tsuneo Sensei Irimi Nage, Novosibirsk 2016

Shihan Jacques Payet: Making Uke Happy

Aikido For All

Yoshinkan aikido’s Shihan Tsutomu Chida

Written by Enrica Cheung, Paul Chapman & Ben Stone

Tsutomu Chida, 8th Dan Shihan, is well known to devotees of Yoshinkan aikido, and well respected by in-the-know aikidoka the world over. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Shihan Joe Thambu establishing Yoshinkan in Australia, Shihan Chida visited Melbourne to instruct a series of seminars, and impart some of his hard-won aikido wisdom to Blitz.

Chida Sensei, could you please tell us a little about how you started aikido, and some of the history behind your aikido career?

When I started aikido, around 1969, it was not well known or popular. On my way to school, I would sometimes walk by a local aikido school, so one day I joined. At first I kept going just because I didn’t want to give up easily. However, at some point I became captivated by its charms [and have kept going ever since]. (more…)

Ando Tsuneo Shihan about Novosibirsk seminar in February, 2016

Chida Tsutomu Shihan. 35th Enbukai, 1990.09.15

Interview with Aikido Legend – Grand Master Inoue Kyoichi

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