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Hiriki no yosei 1, common mistakes. Video 1

Tai no henko 2. Common mistakes. Video 1

Zenpo kaiten ukemi exercise

Kihon dosa renzoku

Aikido Yoshinkan hiyaku ukemi waza

Koltsovo, Novosibirsk region

Aikido Yoshinkan Compulsory Techniques for 2020

Martial arts increase oxytocin production

Yuri Rassovsky, Anna Harwood, Orna Zagoory-Sharon & Ruth Feldman

Scientific reports. Nature. – 2019

Numerous studies have demonstrated that oxytocin (OT), a peptide hormone, plays an important role in regulating mammalian social behaviors, linking it to social affiliation in parent-infant attachment,
romantic and filial relationships, and other prosocial behaviors, such as trust and cooperation. Not surprisingly, research efforts have been made to increase endogenous levels of OT. In the present study,
we investigated whether traditional martial arts training, which integrates the natural benefits of physical exercise with dyadic prosocial interaction, would result in OT response. To this end, 68 beginner
and advanced participants were recruited from several schools practicing Jujitsu (“soft art”), a form of traditional martial arts originating in Japan. Salivary OT levels were assessed at baseline, immediately
following high-intensity training, and following a cool-down period. Analyses revealed a significant increase in OT immediately after a high-intensity training, returning to baseline levels following a cooldown
period. Additionally, although no significant difference between beginner and advanced martial artists was found, a significantly higher increase in salivary OT followed ground grappling, as compared
to “punch-kick” sparring, indicating an added benefit of close contact tactile interaction. These results suggest that the reportedly socially beneficial effects of traditional martial arts may be in part mediated
by OT release and underscore the potentially therapeutic applications of these methods for disorders involving social dysfunction, such as autism, conduct problems, or schizophrenia. (more…)

In memory of Andrey Podoinikov Sensei…

From AYF Newsletter December 2019:

We regret to inform that Shihan Andrey Podoinikov, Head of Siberian Yoshinkan Aikido Federation “Shosetsukan Dojo” in Novosibirsk, 6 dan, has passed away October 07 in a sudden car accident.

This accident was awful for us all. All members of Siberian Federation of Yoshinkan Aikido will fondly remember Andrey Sensei.

And these two months were very difficult for us all, because Andrey Sensei was a man with great energy, true leader not only for Siberian Yoshinkan Aikido, but for many organizations in Russia. As Shosetsukan head he was open person for Yoshinkan representatives all over the world, he was a man who tried to unite Aikido Dojos, who always tried to study something new, who always moved the ideas of human health, whose dream were peace and harmony in Martial Arts in general.

We all were affected by his thoughts and ideas. But all this energy of Andrey Sensei was stopped in this accident, which became a true unexpected misery. (more…)

Yoshinkan Aikido seminar of Jacques Payet Shihan in memory of Andrey Podoynikov Sensei

“Tornado-2019″ Festival. Vitalii Podobaev enbu